How does an interior designer find sustainable furniture?

When an interior designer makes a sustainable design for your home or a room, one of the problems they may encounter is that they do not know where to find the furniture to make the client’s shopping list.

Sustainable interior designer

Buy sustainable furniture

Trends currently lead us towards a type of furniture and decorative objects that are sustainable and that can be difficult for us to find and buy.

Sustainable furniture stores

There are many furniture stores, but few of them are dedicated exclusively to sustainable furniture.

For a furniture store to be sustainable, it needs to have, among other certificates, the Californian CARB and PEFC Certificates, in the case of being manufacturers or if it only sells furniture, this furniture must have this certification. Other certifications that guarantee environmental quality and sustainable forest management are:

  • Carbon neutral certificate : certifies that the same amount of carbon dioxide generated is removed from the atmosphere.
  • Peta certification : guarantees that there has been no animal abuse and that fabrics such as silk or leather whose origin is animal are not used.
  • PEC certification : forest certification system.
  • FSCĀ® Certification : certifies that timber trading companies do not uncontrollably exploit forests.
  • B CORPĀ® Certificate : certifies that companies contribute to solving climate and environmental problems.

Eco-friendly furniture and decorations are environmentally friendly and healthy for people.

Sustainable decoration shops

Today we begin to find some online stores in which their main products are sustainable.

Decorative objects of sustainable design are increasingly abundant and better valued by people to decorate their homes because they know that they are not harmful to health.

Sustainable interior designer

In the My Green Studio sustainable furniture search engine, you will be able to find a large selection of carefully selected products that comply with the sustainability guarantees and will be able to offer you the furniture without you having to go out to see stores.