5 decorating tips for your home

Are you thinking of giving a new air to the interior of your house?  Decorating bathrooms, living rooms and bedrooms  has never been an easy task, and at DianaHome we know it.

Our 5 decorating tips

We want to give you our 5 decoration tips so that your home lives up to your expectations. Let’s get started!

1. Take advantage of natural light

Few homes get 10 when it comes to taking advantage of sunlight; With a  comprehensive reform , you could achieve it.

That is why we recommend that you pay attention to the windows you choose for your home.

Natural light not only makes a property  more welcoming  , but also has many other benefits:  it strengthens the immune system, improves your biological clock and gives you vitality and joy , especially on sunny days.

2. Define spaces

The arrival of the pandemic made us change the way we understand our home.

Work meetings, Zumba classes and viral challenges to which we were challenged on social networks could not coexist in the same place in the house. But… how to divide the spaces?

Each one can have their own style , with differences that make you separate each moment and thus combat stress. Taking care of your environment is essential for the well-being of your home and yourself!

3. Do not forget to put plants

Plants, our best allies. And it is that its benefits are almost infinite… From creating relaxed environments to reducing dust, there are a thousand reasons to get hold of a few.

Reducing the levels of dioxide and nitrogen at home, improving efficiency when teleworking and minimizing stress  are just some of its advantages.

There is a wide variety, so you just have to choose the ones that best fit your home.

4. Use ecological fabric

There is a wide assortment of ecological fabrics, each with different characteristics.

Some, like organic cotton, are  softer  than traditional fabrics,  cause fewer allergies, and keep you smelling fresher for longer .

Others, like hemp wool, are  more durable  and get softer with each wash.  But the real reasons why you should incorporate ecological fabrics into your home are the following:

  • They take care of your health

Non-ecological fabrics go through the treatment of various chemicals that are toxic to humans before reaching our hands. By buying ecological fabrics, you make sure that all material that comes into contact with your skin is going to be healthy.

  • You promote biodegradability

Despite being durable, eco-friendly fabrics degrade over time in ways that are not harmful to the environment.

  • Expand your social responsibility

Organic fibers are created without the need for pesticides, do not invade drinking water and do not put any ecosystem at risk.

5. Don’t follow trends

Going to the last is not synonymous with success. Each home has its limitations and strengths, and you have to know how to understand them.

Avoiding prefabricated spaces, trendy furniture and images circulating on the Internet  about idyllic ideas for your living room will bring you closer and closer to a functional home personalized according to your tastes.

🏚️  Now that you know more about home decoration tips, you may want to discover  what impact color has on our mood .